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Monday, May 7, 2018

Texting while driving impacts WC

Texting while driving is a common factor among drivers everywhere. From teenagers to adults, chances are most people have texted while driving at least once, even though it is illegal. On average, there are 1.6 million car accidents a year caused by texting while driving. In a recent online poll about texting while driving, out of 130 that responded, only 22% of the voters have reportedly texted while driving. 

Out of ten students recently interviewed at Worthington Christian High school, eight confessed that yes, they have texted while driving, while only two of them stated that no. 
The people that replied yes, however, have never been pulled over for texting while driving. A few people were asked about their experiences with texting while driving, but everyone responded the same way: No one has ever been pulled over or in an accident. One person had stated they text and drive all the time, while another person had mentioned the only time they touched their phone was to change the music playing. 

While it is very lucky that nobody at Worthington Christian has ever been injured for texting while driving, it doesn’t mean that it will never happen. Studies show that 78% of distracted driving accidents are caused by texting while driving.

~Mia Schoonover

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