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Friday, May 18, 2018

Bullies at WC?

Could bullies be the real playground victim? Everyone can relate to the struggles of middle school and the inevitable clash of the ‘school bully’ but if this fact is universally relatable than the bully must be bullied as well. It is 2018 and anyone can be the victim.
After interviewing ex-bullies, who shall not be named throughout this article, a common thread runs from the “bullies” school life straight into their front doors. Experts say that bullying originates by what the antagonists consumes from experiences at home and simply reacts to their social challenges of their high school life. Displaying dominance and or social skills through insults and abuse, bullies often struggle with more than they are given credit. One of our ex bullies talks about being mistreated by others earlier in their education and led them down a dark road and ended up becoming the thing they hated most.
          As culture evolves education is always close behind and with the evolution of schooling and social media a new form of bully has arisen: cyber bullying. Students are now vulnerable to bullying outside of the classroom and even in the safety of their homes. Parents should always keep an eye out for signs of cyberbullying. Any kids
who experiences it should always remembered that you can shut off the phone or delete the app.

           Worthington Christian prides themselves on a bully-free zone and as a student who has attended the school their entire life, attributed that privilege to the families behind the scene. If you look behind the scenes of the school you will find hundreds of hard-working Christian families dedicated the upbringing of their children in a safe environment. WC acts as this incubator and for the most part helps eradicate bullies at the source: home. Ex victim laments his journey “I was severely bullied in middle school but thanks to the support of my father, we held a meeting with them and resolved our differences”. If you are experiencing bullying of any sort do not hesitate to grab an adult. The Wc handbook makes a clear strict rule that bullying will never be tolerated and the faculty and staff are all there to help. So, on behalf of Worthington Christian High School we thank all our motivated families for keeping the community safe and secure.
~Peter Mallory

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