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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Worthington Christian Reflects on the COVID-19 Pandemic


“I didn’t enjoy 2020 however, I do believe in the sovereignty of God, and He does what He does,”  reasoned Lisa Cunnigham,  Worthington Christian’s lead school nurse. "No one liked 2020 but, it's about the growth and perseverance we experienced." 

When asked if she would want to skip 2020, Cunnigham lamented that she's probably had enough of this virus the most. She worked all through last summer while most teachers relax on summer vacation. Cunningham's summer sacrifice was the primary reason WC returned to school in person in August 2020.  Her extra research and hard work paid off for the students and teachers. Most people would say this has been the hardest year for them but imagine all the nurses and medical field and what they had to go through this year. Many were forced to endure constant covid-testing, daily sanitizing work surfaces, contact tracing, and repeated quarantining (for some). All of the school nurses worked hard to keep students and teachers in school as much as possible this school year.

 Caden Leidich, a Junior at WC, recounted his experiences of the past year and wouldn't choose to skip 2020 if given a choice. “No matter what the problem is, you always learn from it. Covid was one of a better world pandemic we could have had, which gave us good insight on events for the future that could come," mused Leidich. The maturity and wisdom espoused in Leidich's answer can only come from the voice of experience. 

Will Garinger, a sophomore at WC, expressed lessons that he has learned over the past year. “When given time to yourself, you should take advantage of it.  Because a lot of people took the time to improve themselves [during the quarantine]. Don't take for granted the time that you have," advised Garinger. In retrospect, I should have taken the time to better myself. This is wisdom worth taking to heart.

Listening to the voices of experience from the events of the past year, indelibly provide a perspective and depth of wisdom that would not be evidenced otherwise. "Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance," Proverbs 1:15 (ESV)

~Robbe Sutliff




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