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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Ocean Bank Robbery 1889



A robbery was committed at ocean bank on Sunday night at the corner of Fulton and Greenwich streetsThe institution had leased its entire basement to Mr. William Okell, an exchange broker, whose sign is upon the Greenwich-street side of the building. The ocean bank is heavily guarded but for some odd reason, we were informed that there was only one person guarding the vault.  Around 6am people around the building could smell gunpowder so they called the police and they had found a wide open vault.  There were about 3 pairs of handcuffs in the ground.  There was also the thieves' tools and a quantity of sandwiches on the tables.  The police are out looking for them but, so far no sign of the ocean bank robbers. 

~Robbe Sutliff

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