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Friday, December 19, 2014

How to Efficiently Study For Midterms/Exams

In high school academics, midterms are a very critical component to your transcript.  I recently had the pleasure of interviewing and discussing some facts and study tips with Dr. Buzz Inboden and it was quite informative.

Midterms at Worthington Christian should never be taken for granted, so this is when studying comes in handy. One tip is to have a make a study schedule in your mind, for example study for 15 minutes at a time and then take a 5-15 minute relaxing and refreshing break afterwards, then start up again when the break is over. If your desire is to study for large chunks of time, such as 4-6 hours straight, you may want to divide your study sessions up into 45 minute increments and then take a 15-20 minute break to grab something to eat, text, social media, get some exercise or whatever else you can think of.

Freshmen may not understand the significance of their first midterm ever and the ramifications of getting into college. For example, if you have a D or an F in a class and you bomb the midterm, then tough luck! But if you have an A or B in a class and you bomb the midterm, it won't kill your grade as much if you had a bad grade prior to the midterm.

And also, don't think you can get by easily by cramming a bunch of information into your brain the night before. It may seem to work 1% of the time but you don't want to take a drive down Risky Lane. Once again, these are just some helpful tips when it comes time for studying for midterms/finals.

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