The place for stories and content shared by the iJournalism class.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Come for “A Taste of the DR”


The Class of 2013 Senior Trip is already in the rearview mirror--or is it? It’s hard to believe that it’s been a month since close to 100 students, faculty, and medical professionals traveled to the Dominican Republic.

Are you interested in hearing about the impact of the trip on WC seniors? Are you itching to see pictures, video, and even snippets of the authentic program material from the DR? Would you care to enjoy a dinner with a Dominican twist, all the while absorbing student testimonies and taking in special decorations?
If any of the above pique your interest, or even get you thinking, Worthington Christian cordially invites you (students, family, faculty, alumni, friends, pretty much whoever!) to “A Taste of the DR,” the first event of its kind. On Saturday, April 20th, from 6-8 PM, guests will be able to enjoy a dinner, complete with drinks and dessert, and get a glimpse of the 2013 Senior Trip through senior testimonies, pictures, and more. The evening will also have a fundraising component as WC seeks to continue to partner with the Vision Trust school, which several faculty and alumni will help to fix up as they travel to the DR this summer.
“A Taste of the DR” will take place in the AC Chapel. Tickets are $10 per person, and may be purchased through WC seniors. Be sure to get your tickets soon, as the event is this Saturday. Dress is casual, but be prepared to be AMAZED at what God has done in our students and the Dominicans alike. Thank you for your support and prayers, and we hope to see you this Saturday!
 by Joy Cho

Post-high school choices daunt

What do you do when you have two choices in front of you, each completely different but also completely plausible and appealing in its own right? What do you do when this is a life-changing decision that could possibly determine the course of your future (the future that God is holding, of course)? What do you do when it seems that time is running out, that April is flying by unusually fast?

My answer? In short, I don’t know. And I feel like I have to know-soon. Very, very soon.

If you haven’t guessed, this pertains to college decisions. Slightly confusing and mildly stressful college decisions. I tend to take for granted the choices that God has even allowed me, and I really should be more thankful for the opportunities that are spread out before me. I get so caught up with WHERE I’m going, WHAT I’m going to study, and WHO will be my roommate. Maybe I need to slow down, take a step back, and stop thinking. College has been a sort of culmination for me and my high school years, and now that I’m on the brink of selecting a college, reality has started to dawn on me.

I visited a school for a couple days this past week, and wow, I was impressed by the prospective students, faculty, and current students. The campus was nice, and it was a lot of fun to eat at “college hotspots.” Certain aspects of the curriculum and opportunities available to undergraduates appealed to me.

Despite all these wonderful things, I don’t have a clear decision at this point...especially since I’m visiting another school this coming weekend. Hopefully the trip will be helpful in sorting out the “stuff” involved in making a decision.

**Sigh. One thing I KNOW I need to do is pray. God has my future in His hands, and knew it before time even existed. It’s time that I stopped thinking so hard, researching so meticulously, and stressing out so...much. Things WILL work out in time; in the meantime, my job is to trust in Him and “seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.”

So... do I know where I’m going to end up? Who’s going to be my roommate? What classes I’ll opt to take? Nope. But God knows-and that’s where the worrying should stop.
by Joy Cho